REVAMPED! Batch Mobile Top Up

REVAMPED! Batch Mobile Top Up

Feature Description and Capabilities

Batch Top-Up feature allows you to recharge up to 1,500 mobile phones at once. This tool supports fixed and open-ranged recharge products included in your Price List.

Additional Capabilities

  • External ID: If you need to match a particular mobile number to an external data source, include an external ID (up to 40 characters and unique for each entry) in your CSV or XLS file. This ID will be included in transaction details and will be available in all reports.


  • The Batch Top-Up feature is only applicable for recharge products. For bulk PIN products purchase, please use the respective PIN products feature. It is available on the page "Bulk Purchase".


Supported Scenarios

Scenario 1: You Know Mobile Numbers, Respective Operators, and Product IDs

  • Suggested Method: Use CSV or XLS file to upload.

  • Instructions:

    1. Prepare a CSV or XLS file with the following columns: Mobile Number, Product ID, and (optionally) External IDs.

    2. Upload the file to DT Shop.

    3. Choose to validate the mobile numbers to increase the success rate of your transactions. (Validation is not mandatory but highly recommended)

    4. Review the validation results and make necessary corrections.

    5. Submit the batch for processing.


Scenario 2: You Know Mobile Numbers and Recharge Amount, but No Information on Operator is available to you

  • Suggested Method: Use CSV or XLS file and indicate top-up amount in operator currency in the field "Product Value."

  • Instructions:

    1. Prepare a CSV or XLS file with the following columns: Mobile Numbers, Product Value (top-up amounts), and (optionally) External IDs.

    2. Upload the file to DT Shop.

    3. DT Shop will automatically detect the operators.

    4. Choose to validate to increase the success rate of your transactions. (Validation is not mandatory but highly recommended.)

    5. Review the validation results and make necessary corrections.

    6. Submit the batch for processing.


Scenario 3: You Know Mobile Numbers, Operator, and a Product ID of an Open-Ranged Product

  • Suggested Method: Use CSV or XLS file to upload with product ID and amount within the range.

  • Instructions:

    1. Prepare a CSV or XLS file with the following columns: Mobile Numbers, Product ID, Product Value (top-up amounts), and (optionally) External IDs.

    2. Ensure the top-up amount falls within the specified range for the product (you can always check product Parameters in Products on the Products and Prices page in DT Shop).

    3. Upload the file to DT Shop.

    4. Choose to validate the mobile numbers to increase the success rate of your transactions. (Validation is not mandatory but highly recommended.)

    5. Review the validation results and make necessary corrections.

    6. Submit the batch for processing.


Scenario 4: You Know Only Mobile Numbers

  • Suggested Method: Paste mobile numbers directly into DT Shop.

  • Instructions:

    1. Copy and paste the mobile numbers directly into the DT Shop interface.

    2. DT Shop will automatically detect the operators.

    3. Select the desired products and top-up amounts in the DT Shop interface.

    4. Choose to validate the mobile numbers to increase the success rate of your transactions. (Validation is not mandatory but highly recommended.)

    5. Review the validation results and make necessary corrections.

    6. Submit the batch for processing.

Step-by-Step Guide

Uploading mobiles

File Upload

  • Log in to your DT Shop account.

  • Navigate to the Batch Top-Up feature.

  • Prepare Your File:

    • Download your preferred template (Excel or CSV).

    • Fill in the columns: Mobile Numbers, Product IDs (if known), Product Values (top-up amounts), and (optionally) External IDs.

  • Save Your File:

    • Save your file

  • Upload to DT Shop:

    • Navigate to the Batch Top-Up feature.

    • Click on the 'Upload File' button and select your CSV or XLS file.

  • Once your file is uploaded, DT Shop will display the uploaded data in the table.

  • Choose to validate the mobile numbers to increase the success rate of your transactions. (Validation is not mandatory but highly recommended.)


Direct Copy

  • Copy and Paste Mobile Numbers:

    • Log in to your DT Shop account.

    • Copy the list of mobile numbers from your source.

    • Navigate to the Batch Top-Up feature.

    • Paste the mobile numbers directly into the input field.

  • Automatic Operator Detection:

    • DT Shop will automatically detect the operators for the pasted mobile numbers.

  • Choose top-up products directly in DT Shop:

    • Select the desired products and top-up amounts in the DT Shop interface.

    • Choose to validate the mobile numbers to increase the success rate of your transactions. (Validation is not mandatory but highly recommended.)



Validation is an essential step to ensure the success of your transactions. While it is not mandatory, it is highly recommended to increase the success rate of your submitted transactions. The validation process may take up to 10 minutes depending on the speed of your internet. Please do not refresh the page while validation is in progress.

Validation Options:

  • You can choose to validate all entries at once.

  • Alternatively, you can select one or several entries to validate individually.

  • You can cancel validation at any time while it is in progress.


Viewing Validation Results:

  • You will see the validation result on top of the table.

  • For a detailed report, click 'Next.' You will see two tabs providing detailed information at the level of each mobile number.

  • It is possible to download the detailed reports from these tabs for further review and corrections.






Correcting Validation Errors

  • You can use validatoin report to correct errors and re-submit corrected batch for processing.

  • Alternatively, you can correct errors directly in the table and validate again


Common Validation Errors and How to Correct Them:





Credit party mobile number is invalid

Ensure that the mobile number is correctly formatted and includes the country code.

Operator not found

The Mobile number is not associated with supported operators

Either the product is not available in your pricelist or The operator and the product do not match

Check if the product is listed in your pricelist and matches the operator of the mobile number.

Pin products are not supported

Ensure that you are using recharge products, as PIN products are not supported for batch top-up.

Invalid Product Value, must be between X and Y

Ensure the top-up amount for open ranged product is within the product’s range.

The operator of the number and the product do not match

To complete recharge select product of a correct operator

Product is not available in your pricelist

The value you entered does not match any product in your Pricelist

Multiple products exist with the same value. Please specify one of the product IDs

Specify the product ID to clarify which product to use.

External ID is duplicate

Ensure each External ID is unique and does not repeat.

Submission for Processing and Assessing Results

  • After uploading the file and optional reviewing and correcting any validation errors, click the 'Submit' button to start the transaction processing.




  • Monitor Progress:

    • DT Shop will generate a Task ID for your submission. You will see the task ID and the progress of your transactions on the screen.

    • Click the 'Refresh' button to get the most accurate status of your submission.



  • Completion Notification:

    • Once all transactions are processed, you will receive an email notification confirming the completion of your batch top-up.

  • View Results:

    • You can also view the results of your submission on the "My Batches" page in DT Shop. This page will display detailed information about the status of each transaction in your batch.


Click Details icon to open a detailed view of a processed batch


This view provides detailed report of each entry, including mobile numbers, divided by tabs for easy navigation.

Each tab represents a different status (e.g., successful transactions, failed transactions).

You can download the detailed report from each tab in either XLS or CSV format for further analysis and record-keeping.




What does "Ready for Submission" mean?

  • Answer: This means that the entry has been validated, the mobile number format is correct, it belongs to a particular operator, and the recharge amount matches an existing product in your Price List.

What does "Not Ready for Submission" mean?

  • Answer: This indicates that there is a validation error or required information for transaction posting is missing, such as the product ID or product value.

Why might a successfully validated transaction fail after submission?

  • Answer: There can be multiple reasons for this:

    1. Operator Unavailability: The operator is currently unavailable or limits the number of transactions, especially if the same MSISDN is indicated more than once. It is recommended to retry the transaction.

    2. Insufficient Wallet Balance: The balance of your wallet is not enough to complete the transaction.

    3. Duplicate External ID: The transaction external ID has already been used. Correct the duplication and re-submit the transaction.

How can I track the status of my batch submissions?

  • Answer: You can track the status of your batch submissions on the "My Batches" page in DT Shop. This page provides real-time updates on the progress of each batch.

Can I edit my batch after submission?

  • Answer: Once a batch is submitted, it cannot be edited. However, you can correct any errors identified in the validation process before submission.

What should I do if I encounter an error not listed here?

  • Answer: If you encounter an error not listed in this article, please contact customer support for assistance. Provide them with the error message and any relevant details.

What happens if my internet connection is lost during validation or submission?

  • Answer: If your internet connection is lost, you may need to restart the validation or submission process. It is recommended to ensure a stable connection during these processes.



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