# Log in to DT Shop
1. Click on Sign up
2. Enter required contact details and Click on NEXT
3. Create a password and Click on NEXT
4. Enter details about your company and business and Click on FINISH
5. Email verification link is sent to your email. If needed, click on RE-SEND EMAIL
6. Go to your mailbox and click on VERIFY Account
Note! The link is valid for 72 hours. Contact our support if you link got expired before you verified your email.
7. When email is verified, you will be redirected to SIGN IN page, click on SIGN IN NOW
8. Enter credentials and Click Sign In
9. To set your Two factor authentication scan the QR code on the screen with your Mobile phone. Use any Authentication app of your choice to store the credentials. Click on NEXT
10. Enter the code from your app and click VERIFY
11. Sign In entering you login, password nd 2FA code
12. There is a brief introduction video about DT Shop. You can watch it or save it for later
13. We recommend to Verify your mobile number. To do so, click on PROCEED
Note: You need a verified moblie number in case you prefer SMS OTP over App-generated codes for two factor authentication