Initiate Utilities Bill Payment

Initiate Utilities Bill Payment


1. Navigate to SEND TOP-UP Page, select UTILITIES and click NEXT

You will only see the UTILITIES section if this product type is included to your Pricelist. If you do not see UTILITIES contact your Account Manager or support@dtone.com with the request to add it. You can click CONTACT US link located in the bottom of the screen

2. Select the Destination Country and the Biller

3. Click on NEXT


You can use filters to limit search results

5. If the selected product supports a ranged payment amount, you will be asked to enter before initiating transaction. Enter amount and click CONTINUE

6. If the Biller requires additional information, such as account number or email, to identify the transaction, you will be asked to enter this information and click NEXT

7. On the confirmation screen click SEND

You can print Invoice after transaction is initiated