How to Transfer Funds to Agents

How to Transfer Funds to Agents


1. Two methods to transfer funds

There are two methods to transfer funds from your wallet to your active Agents:

  1. Initiate a Transfer - This option allows you to send funds to a single agent or to multiple agents in bulk.

  2. Respond to a Fund Request initiated by the Agent

To either initiate a transfer or respond to a fund request, please navigate to the MY WALLET page.

Make sure to log in to your branded DT Shop if you utilize the whitelabel feature and want your agents to receive branded emails about funds transfers.



2. Click on MY WALLET

3. To initiate transfer to a Single or Multiple Agents Click on MANAGE AGENTS FUNDS

4. To initiate transfer to a Single Agent Click on SINGLE TRANSFER

This option allows you to send funds to one agent at a time

5. Choose the agent from the "RECIPIENT" field dropdown menu, enter transfer amount in the AMOUNT field and press TRANSFER

6. Acknowledge successful transfer

You will receive a notification upon successful transfer

7. To initiate multiple transfers simultaneously, click on "bulk transfer"Click on BULK TRANSFER

8. In the table displaying agents, enter the desired amount next to each agent and click "SUBMIT"

You will see the agent's balance next to their name. If necessary, you can search for an agent by ID or agent account name.

9. In the pop-up window, you will see the total amount. Click "PROCEED"to move to the next step

10. Acknowledge successful transfer

You will receive a notification upon successful transfer

11. In the "Funding History" table, you will see immediate transfer statuses

12. To access the full funding history, navigate to the "REPORTING" section in the main menu


14. To review funding history, navigate to either the "Movement History" or "Funding History" tabs.

Under the "Wallet History" tab, you'll find all wallet movements, including agent transfers. To access only the funding history, select the "Funding History" tab.
You can schedule reports by clicking the "SCHEDULED REPORTS" button to regularly receive wallet history and funding reports in your mailbox.
